The fastest way to save notes anywhere
No accounts. No signups. No installs. Just choose one code.
Editing ViewReading ViewSettings
 Self Destruct
Date & Time
Specify a date and time when you want this pad to expire and delete itself, including all revision histories.
 Pad Lock
Lock this Coded Pad™ by encrypting its notes with a second code.
 Line Numbers
Turn this on to see line numbers in your Coded Pad™.
 Revision History Clear All History
The last few revisions saved can be viewed below and restored.
Lock This Pad
You can lock this Coded Pad™ by encrypting the already-encrypted notes with a second code.
Go to the settings tab to lock this pad or see other options.
Only you know the code (AKA the encryption key) to decrypt the data we store.
Even if the government tortured us, we can't decrypt anything.